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COP27 Sharing Sessions & COP28 Student Ambassador Training Programme


In response to the “Hong Kong's Climate Action Plan 2050” and “White Paper: Responding to Climate Change: China's Policies and Actions”, The Conservancy Association (CA) & the Consulate General of the United Arab Emirates in HK hosted the “COP27 Sharing Sessions & COP28 Student Ambassador Training Programme” in mid-July, aiming at broadening students’ horizons and encouraging them to participate in climate change mitigation trends and actions. 400 school invitations were launched in May, and we ended up hosting 8 sharing & ambassador recruitment sessions, covering 9 schools with more than 500 participants in total.   After reviewing the 11 action plans submitted, followed by presentations & interviews, two outstanding ambassadors were selected to participate in the upcoming COP28 summit in the UAE as NGO observers. We look forward to seeing them put their ideas into practice and share insights from their experience and journey with local students and the public!



COP27 Sharing SessionsAmbassador recruitment activityCOP28 Student Ambassador CeremonyCA’s Report from COP28Media CoverageSocial Media & WebsitePress ReleaseAcknowledgement 




COP27 Sharing Sessions


A total of 8 sharing sessions, involving more than 500 teachers and students from 9 secondary schools.


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Both teachers and students who participated in COP27 Sharing Sessions were very excited about this rare opportunity.


Left photo: Christian and Missionary Alliance Sun Kei Secondary School


Right photo: La Salle College

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COP27 Sharing Sessions at Jockey Club – The Conservancy Association Green Hub. 

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Students were experiencing the 'Roundtable Discussion', commonly held on the side-lines of COP meetings, in our sharing sessions.

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The representative from the Consulate General of the United Arab Emirates in HK was invited to some of the on-campus sharing sessions to give a presentation.


Left: Queen Elizabeth School Old Students' Association Tong Kwok Wah Secondary School

Right: Principal Eric Wong of Sing Yin Secondary School presents a commemorative flag to the representative of the Consulate General of the United Arab Emirates in HK.



Ambassador recruitment activity


Students submitted action plans to combating climate change. A total of 11 action plans were shortlisted, and interviews were held on 10th July to select the students with the most outstanding performance and ideas as COP28 Outstanding Student Ambassadors.


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Selection process for the COP28 outstanding student representatives, 10 July
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CA Judging Panel (from left to right): Mr. Terence Tang, Education Manager; Mr. Ken So, Chief Executive; and Dr. Angie Ng, Conservation Manager.





COP28 Student Ambassador Ceremony


The COP28 Student Ambassador Ceremony was held at the Jockey Club - The Conservancy Association Urban Forestry Green Hub. Dr. Chung Shan-shan, the Chairperson of The Conservancy Association, Dr. Yan Wa Tat, the Convenor of CA’s Branding and Fundraising Committee; and our special guest, His Excellency Shaikh Saoud Ali Almualla, the Consul General of the United Arab Emirates in Hong Kong, presented certificates to the teachers and students involved in the ambassadors training programme. “The future of our planet lies in your hands.  Please do take prompt actions and do not follow the footsteps of your predecessors to waste any more time in tackling climate change”, said Dr. Chung Shan-shan, calling on young people to step up and do their part.  


Self Photos / Files - 6.3 頒機票 阿拉伯聯合酋長國聯駐香港總領使His Excellency Shaikh Saoud Ali Almualla聯同長春社主席鍾姍姍博士頒發來回機票予兩位優秀學生大使 Self Photos / Files - 6.1 WIN COP28聯合國氣候變化大會優秀 『淨零』學生大使  基督教宣道會宣基中學邱鐙泳同學 Self Photos / Files - 6.2 WIN 28聯合國氣候變化大會優秀 『淨零』學生大使 喇沙書院鍾柏綸同學

Dr. Chung Shan-shan(Chairperson of CA), and His Excellency Shaikh Saoud Ali Almualla (Consul General of the UAE in Hong Kong) delivered certificates and round-trip air tickets to the outstanding student ambassadors

Yau Hoi Wing, Christian and Missionary Alliance Sun Kei Secondary School

Chung Pak Lun, La Salle College


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Dr Chung Shan-shan, the Chairperson of The Conservancy Association, giving an encouraging speech to all the participating young fellows

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His Excellency Shaikh Saoud Ali Almualla, the UAE Consul General to Hong Kong, delivering a speech at the ceremony.

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When the principal, teachers and student representatives of some of the schools participating in the program receives commendations at the ceremony, they took a group photo with Dr. Chung, the chairperson of CA, Dr. Yan, the chairperson of the Branding and Fundraising Committee, Mr Ken So, The Chief Executive of CA, and His Excellency Shaikh Saoud Ali Almualla, the UAE Consul General to Hong Kong.


From left to right, up to bottom:

Christian and Missionary Alliance Sun Kei Secondary School, Islamic Kasim Tuet Memorial College, PLK Laws Foundation College, Queen Elizabeth School Old Students' Association Tong Kwok Wah Secondary School, La Salle College, Sing Yin Secondary School, St. Francis Xavier's School Tsuen Wan, Youth College (Kwai Fong)


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Group photo taken at the ceremony




CA’s Report from COP28


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Regarding the on-site situation of our participation at COP28, please refer to our YouTube channel for further details.


You may also watch this Playlist for the videos we took at COP27. 





Media Coverage 


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China Daily Hong Kong

Two HK student ambassadors to attend COP28 in Dubai




長春社 聯合國氣候變化大會『淨零』大使計劃COP 27分享會 暨 聯合國氣候變化大會『淨零』COP28大使委任典禮



Yahoo News

長春社與阿聯酋駐港總領事館合辦 COP28優秀「淨零」學生大使選舉



China Daily Hong Kong

HKSAR 'student ambassadors' aim high at COP28




長春社首屆聯合國氣候變化大會COP 28『淨零』中學生大使 杜拜觀察員行動




COP28 長春社中學生大使 對抗氣候變化 為環保發聲




長春社首屆COP 28 中學生大使杜拜CLIMATE LIVE 發聲






Social Media and Website 


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Website / Social Media








Facebook@ China Daily Hong Kong

Two #HongKong students will be able to attend the 2023 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Dubai in November in the capacity of non-governmental organization observers.




In partnership with The Conservancy Association @cahk1968 , the UAE Consulate General in the #HKSAR held seminars for 500+ students to learn about COP28 areas of focus & the UAE’s #ClimateAction including the national drive to #NetZero by 2050 & investing in #renewables in developing countries, followed by a competition for best environmental protection proposals.




قامت القنصلية بعقد ندوات لأكثر من 500 طالب في #هونغ_كونغ لعرض أهم الملفات المطروحة أمام COP28 و أهمية #العمل_المناخي في دولة #الإمارات بما في ذلك المبادرة الاستراتيجية للحياد المناخي والوصول إلى #زيرو_كربون بحلول عام 2050




A 17 years old youth delegate from Hong Kong. Let's hear whay she said!




Another 17 years old youth delegrate, sharing his expectation of COP28 and what he wanna say to all the youth :)



YouTube@Climate Live

CA1968 Green Voice - Climate Live



Instagram@dieguitoviajero (Dieguito Aza Valenzuela)

5 siglos resistendo version de...




@cahk1968 For a beautiful cause





Press Release 







長春社 聯合國氣候變化大會『淨零』大使計劃COP 27分享會暨聯合國氣候變化大會『淨零』COP28大使委任典禮 







Supporting Organizations


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Participating Schools



Christian and Missionary Alliance Sun Kei Secondary School

Islamic Kasim Tuet Memorial College

PLK Laws Foundation College

Queen Elizabeth School Old Students' Association Tong Kwok Wah Secondary School

La Salle College

Sing Yin Secondary School

St. Francis Xavier's School Tsuen Wan

Youth College (Kwai Fong)


For enquiry and detail, please contact our Branding and Fundraising Team via 2272 0306 (phone) or (email).




Visit our Facebook, Instagram and YouTube for the latest news and videos!


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