
The Conservancy Association Centre for Heritage Limited (CACHe) held its AGM in the evening of 21 Nov 2023 and at the meeting its members passed the resolution on the independence of CACHe from the Conservancy Association and renamed CACHe to “Hong Kong Resource Centre for Heritage Limited”. The amended Article of Association took effect immediately. The Conservancy Association hereby declares that The Conservancy Association is no longer responsible for delegating its board of directors and engages in the operation of the “Hong Kong Resource Centre for Heritage Limited” from now on.

CA Eco-Rangers 2023
During the pandemic, Plastic Trasher went on a rampage, leaving behind rubbish all over the countryside. To restore the environment to its original state, Eco-Rangers have repeatedly gone to the country parks and beaches to engage in hill and beach cleaning. They did not only remove litter from mountains, fields, and coastlines, but also recycle recyclables left behind by humans, allowing the recyclables to enter the realm of a circular economy. As COVID-19 subsided, the problem of countryside litter remained unresolved, while the threat of global warming crept ever closer. Greenhouse effect has led to rising temperature on Earth; nowhere is safe from the attack of heatwaves. The Hong...

Green Hiking Etiquettes Campaign 2023
Available in Chinese Only!

COP27 Sharing Sessions & COP28 Student Ambassador Training Programme
In response to the “Hong Kong's Climate Action Plan 2050” and “White Paper: Responding to Climate Change: China's Policies and Actions”, The Conservancy Association (CA) & the Consulate General of the United Arab Emirates in HK hosted the “COP27 Sharing Sessions & COP28 Student Ambassador Training Programme” in mid-July, aiming at broadening students’ horizons and encouraging them to participate in climate change mitigation trends and actions. 400 school invitations were launched in May, and we ended up hosting 8 sharing & ambassador recruitment sessions, covering 9 schools with more than 500 participants in total. After reviewing the 11 action...

2023 Mooncake Recovery Program
Available in Chinese only!

Available in Chinese Only