The former Central Police Station, the former Victoria Prison and the former Central Magistracy altogether are one of the oldest heritage compound with the richest Victorian, Edwardian and Oriental architectural style. In 1995, all the buildings including the ground inside the Site were declared monuments under the Antiquities and Monuments Ordinance.
Former Central Police Station Heritage Compound
The Government decided in April 2003 to develop the site for tourism use, the tender was scheduled in early 2004. However, public documents revealed that a substantial weighting would be given to land premium
The Conservancy Association sent letters to the authorities to concern about this in August 2004, urging them to put the tendering process on hold. The Association formed the Central Police Station Heritage Taskforce with The Hong Kong Institute of Architects and other organizations and made known of our views.
CA co-organized the Central Police Station Heritage Compound Open Days with the Tourism Commission, Central and Western District Council and the Hong Kong Institute of Architects in January and February 2005. CA explained the pros and cons of different models of conserving the Compound to the visitors through a set of exhibition boards displayed in Court no. 2 of the Former Central Magistracy.
In April 2007, the Administration handed over the development and operation rights of the site to Jockey Club without prior public consultation. The site would be used for art and performing uses. However, the plan arouse widespread public opposition as the new building proposed by Jockey Club was shaped like a “glass scaffolding” , with a height of 200m. The F Hall would also be demolished. Jockey Club amended the plan in late 2010. The F Hall was kept and two 25-metre-tall buildings would replace the “glass scaffolding.”
The “glass scaffolding”, previously proposed by the Jockey Club.