Regrettably, the Star Ferry Clock Tower was demolished on 16th December. CA issued a statement condemning the arrest of Loy Ho, one of the activists who try to save the Star Ferry Pier.
The Administration said at the Legco Panel on Planning, Lands and Works meeting held on 23rd January 2007 that a working group would be formed to work out ways to preserve Queen’s Pier; but on 27th March, the Administration revealed its preferred option: tearing the pier apart and rebuild it later somewhere else. Four options were listed out and the third option was proposed by The Conservancy Association. We suggested lifting the whole pier and moving it aside, and reinstating it after all the necessary works were completed. The Administration said that CA’s option would cost about 130 million and their preferred option was just 50 million; However, out of the 130-million total cost, 100 million was earmarked for the construction of the Extended Overrun Tunnel. But the tunnel had to be built sooner or later in spite of the Queen’s Pier. The Administration was just obfuscating the issue.
The now dismantled Queen’s Pier.
The Conservancy Association wrote to Antiquities Advisory Board on 5th March 2007 that Queen’s Pier should be graded, we then requested the Board on 16th March that Grade I status should be conferred to both Edinburgh Square and the pier. In an AAB meeting on 9th May, Grade I status was conferred to Queen’s Pier.
Regrettably the Queen’s Pier was dismantled in mid 2007. It has yet to be relocated.