Adjacent to Deep Bay wetland, Nam Sang Wai is an important stopover site for migrating birds. The Conservancy Association has always been concerned about the development project in Nam Sam Sang and its surrounding Wetland Buffer Area. CA has been closely monitoring the threats and impacts of development to the ecology of Nam Sang Wai. We encourage the public to write to the government to oppose development project which threatens the ecology of wetland.
Nam Sang Wai Development Project
In September 2010, Nam Sang Wai Development Project by Henderson issued a revised plan for the development project. The northern part of Nam Sang Wai would be designated as a wetland enhancement area, while the scale of golf course has been reduced. However, no gross floor area has been reduced in the residential development. CA stated that shifting the buildings to reed bed to the south of Nam Sang Wai would still lead to a permanent loss of wetland in Nam Sang Wai. Additionally, human disturbances, such as light pollution, would cause adverse impact on birds.
The plan has undergone various reviews and appeals in 1990s, and Henderson won the appeal to the Privy Council in 1996. Henderson then applied for extension of time for compliance several times. As the deadline for the plan would be on 18 December 2010, 20 concerned parties, including CA, announced a joint statement to urge the Town Planning Board (TPB) to reject the application. In February 2011, the plan was headed by Adrian Fu’s family and consultant representing Fu’s family had a meeting with green groups. The new plan would exclude golf course but residential development would still go on. Under current conservation guidelines, CA did not believe that Nam Sang Wai had room for development and would not support any development in Nam Sang Wai.
Led by Fu’s Family, Nam Sang Wai Development Projects were submitted to TPB in December 2012 and August 2015. For the former (No. A/YL-NSW/218), the developer proposed to build 1,600 flats with an expected population of 4800. For the latter(No. A/YL-NSW/242), the developer increased the proposed number of flats to 2500 with an increased population of 6500. CA stated that the gross floor area has not been reduced actually and conservation measures have been exaggerated. “No-net-loss in wetland” principle claimed by the developer is crafty as it only referred to change in water surface. Therefore, even the developer have proposed conservation measures in Nam Sang Wai and Lut Chau, the development would still pose wetland loss.
The reedbed comprises 40% of Nam Sang Wai and is the largest reedbed in Hong Kong. Development will lead to a permanent loss of this reedbed, affecting reedbed-associated bird species.The developer repeatedly suggested to recreate reed bed on pond bund as compensation. However, reed bed in Nam Sang Wai possesses not only ecological value, but also humanistic and landscape value. It could not simply be compensated by replanting on pond bunds. Therefore, CA would not support any development in Nam Sang Wai. The two applications were rejected by TPB in July 2013 and January 2016. Appeals were lodged by the developer but TPB rejected the appeals in February 2014 and February 2017 respectively.
Wetland Buffer Area in Nam Sang Wai
The entire Nam Sang Wai region was under high development pressure. Since 2006, development applications have been approved in Nam Sang Wai Wetland Buffer Area (WBA). Since 2014, hotels, outlets and low-density development projects have also been approved. Development proposal scattered in the Wetland Buffer Area (WBA) in south of Nam Sang Wai, Shan Pui Village and Tung Shing Lei. It originated from improper checking on the roles of relevant government departments and undervaluation of the importance of conserving fishponds. In this way, our ecological resources would be surrendered by the Administration voluntarily. Proper review on planning review would be necessary to prevent a further loss of wetland in Nam Sang Wai WBA.
Joint Statement
► Joint Statement on the need for wetland protection and against luxury residential developments in Nam Sang Wai (2 November 2010)
► Joint statement on the proposed comprehensive development with wetland enhancement in Nam Sang Wai and Lut Chau, Yuen Long (No. A/YL-NSW/242)
23 July 2014 | 19 May 2016 |
CA's Comments on Applications for Permission and Amendment of Plans
► Nam Sang Wai, Yuen Long - To rezone the application site from "Residential (Group D)" to "Residential (Group D)1" (No. Y/YL-NSW/1)
August 2014 | December 2014 |
June 2015 | September 2015 |
► South of and Wing Kei Tsuen, Nam Sang Wai, Yuen Long - To rezone the application site from "Open Storage" to "Commercial" (No. Y/YL-NSW/3)
October 2014 | November 2015 |
► Nam Sang Wai, Yuen Long - To rezone the application site from "Residential (Group D)" to "Residential (Group D)2" (No. Y/YL-NSW/4)
► Nam Sang Wai, Yuen Long - To rezone the application site from "Other Specified Uses" annotated "Comprehensive Development to include Wetland Restoration Area" to "Other Specified Uses" annotated "Comprehensive Development to include Wetland Restoration Area 1" (No. Y/YL-NSW/6)
March 2020 | September 2020 |
► Tung Shing Lei, Nam Sang Wai, Yuen Long - Proposed Residential Development and Filling of Ponds (No. A/YL-NSW/195)
July 2010 | December 2010 |
► Tung Shing Lei, Nam Sang Wai, Yuen Long - Proposed Residential Development and Filling of Ponds (No. A/YL-NSW/196)
July 2010 | December 2010 |
► Tung Shing Lei, Nam Sang Wai, Yuen Long - Proposed Residential Development and Filling of Ponds (No. A/YL-NSW/197)
June 2010 | October 2010 | February 2011 |
► Shan Pui Tsuen, Shap Pat Heung, Nam Sang Wai, Yuen Long - Proposed Land and Pond Filling for Permitted New Territories Exempted House Development (No. A/YL-NSW/205)
December 2010 | January 2011 | April 2011 |
► Nam Sang Wai, Yuen Long - Proposed Filling of Pond for Permit ted Houses (New Territories Exempted House- Small House) (No. A/YL-NSW/207)
► Nam Sang Wai and Lut Chau, Yuen Long - Proposed Comprehensive Development with Wetland Enhancement (including House, Flat, Wetland Enhancement Area, Nature Reserve, Visitors Centre, Social Welfare Facility, Shop and Services) as well as Filling of Land, Excavation of Land and Pond Filling (No. A/YL-NSW/218)
April 2012 | November 2012 | March 2013 |
June 2013 | September 2013 |
► Nam Sang Wai, Yuen Long - Proposed Residential Development with Minor Relaxation of Building Height and Plot Ratio Restrictions, Filling of Land/Pond and Excavation of Land (No. A/YL-NSW/223)
August 2013 | December 2013 |
► Nam Sang Wai, Yuen Long - Proposed Residential Development, Filling andExcavation of Land (No. A/YL-NSW/224)
September 2013 | December 2013 | February 2014 |
► Nam Sang Wai, Yuen Long - Proposed Filling of Pond for Permitted Houses (New Territories Exempted House - Small House) (No. A/YL-NSW/225)
► Nam Sang Wai, Yuen Long - Proposed Residential Development, Filling and Excavation of Land (No. A/YL- NSW/233)
August 2014 | December 2014 | April 2015 |
August 2015 | September 2015 | November 2015 |
December 2015 |
► South of Wing Kei Tsuen, Nam Sang Wai, Yuen Long - Proposed Comprehensive Development of an Outlet Mall with Commercial Uses (Including ‘Shop and Services’ and ‘Eating Place’), ‘Agricultural Use’ (Commercial Fish Ponds), ‘Excavation of Land’ and ‘Filling of Land’ (No. A/YL-NSW/241)
July 2015 | February 2016 | September 2017 |
► Nam Sang Wai and Lut Chau, Yuen Long - Proposed Comprehensive Development with Wetland Enhancement (including House, Flat, Wetland Enhancement Area, Nature Reserve, Open Space, Visitors Centre, Social Welfare Facility, Shop and Services) as well as Filling of Land/Pond and Excavation of Land (No. A/YL-NSW/242)
July 2015 | November 2015 |