► Planning Study/ Proposed Works
► Environmental Impact Assessment
► Amendments to the Approved Outline Zoning Plan
► Application for Amendment of Plan
► Review of TPB's Refusal Decision on Application for Permission
Planning Study/ Proposed Works
► Study on the Artificial Islands in the Central Waters (Chinese only)
► Strategic Studies on Railways and Major Roads Beyond 2030 (Chinese only)
► Tseung Kwan O Area 137 and related near shore reclamations – Preliminary Outline Development Plan
► Task Force on Land Supply Public Engagement Activities (Chinese only)
► Hong Kong 2030+: Towards a Planning Vision and Strategy Transcending 2030 (Chinese only)
► The Establishment of an Agricultural Park in Kwu Tung South (Phase 1) – Road Works proposed
► Improvement Works at Tai O - Phase 2, Stage 1
► Public Engagement for Tung Chung New Town Extension Study (Chinese only)
Stage 1 | Stage 2 | Stage 3 |
Environmental Impact Assessment
► Improvement of Lion Rock Tunnel - EIA Report (No. EIA-285/2022)
► Expansion of Aberdeen Typhoon Shelter - Project Profile (No. ESB-357/2022)
► Drainage Improvement Works in Ta Kwu Ling - EIA Report (No. EIA-283/2022)
► Submission on optimization of EIA process (Chinese only)
June 2022 | December 2022 | March 2023 |
► Technical Study on Partial Development of Fanling Golf Course Site - Feasibility Study - EIA Report (No. EIA-282/2022)
► Development of Lam Tei North East - Project Profile (No. ESB-354/2022)
► Tung Chung Line Extension - EIA Report (No. EIA-217/2021)
► Reclamation for Kau Yi Chau Artificial Islands, Kau Yi Chau Artificial Islands, Hong Kong Island - Northeast Lantau Link Project Profile (No. ESB-349/2021, 350/2021. 351/2021)
► Northern Link - Project Profile (No. ESB-346/2021)
► Proposed Residential Development at Lot No. 2 in D.D. 228 near Pak Fa Lam Road, Sai Kung - Project Profile (No. ESB-344/2021)
► Remaining Phase Development of the New Territories North (NTN) - NTN New Town and Man Kam To - Project Profile (No. ESB-341/2021)
► San Tin/Lok Ma Chau Development Node - Project Profile (No. ESB-340/2021)
► Traffic Improvement Scheme in Tuen Mun – Widening and Addition of slip roads at Lung Fu Road/Tuen Mun Road/Wong Chu Road/Hoi Wing Road - Project Profile (No. ESB-339/2021)
► Yuen Long Barrage Scheme - EIA Report (No. EIA-269/2021)
► Comments on Road P1 (Tai Ho – Sunny Bay Section) in Lantau - Project Profile (No. ESB-337/2020)
► Upgrading of Nam Wan Road (North) - Project Profile (No. ESB-336/2020)
► Engineering and Technical Feasibility Study for Proposed Extension of Yuen Long Industrial Estate - Project Profile (No. ESB-335/2020)
► Drainage Improvement Works in Mui Wo - Project Profile (No. ESB-334/2020)
► Penfold Park Enhancement Project - Project Profile - Application for Permission to Apply Directly for Environmental Permit (No. DIR-275/2020)
► Tung Chung Line Extension - Project Profile (No. ESB-329/2020)
► Technical Study on Partial Development of Fanling Golf Course Site - Feasibility Study - Project Profile (No. ESB-318/2019)
► Shuen Wan Golf Course - EIA Report (No. EIA-260/2019)
► Site Investigation Works for Pier Improvement at Lai Chi Wo - Project Profile - Application for Permission to Apply Directly for Environmental Permit (No. DIR-267/2019)
► Housing Sites in Yuen Long South - EIA Report (No. EIA-254/2017)
► Mai Po Nature Reserve Infrastructure Upgrade Project - Project Profile (No. ESB-301/2017)
► Comprehensive Development and Wetland Protection near Yau Mei San Tsuen - EIA Report (No. AEIAR-189/2015)
► Tung Chung New Town Extension - EIA Report (No. AEIAR-196/2016)
► Tung Chung New Town Extension - Project Profile (No. PP-519/2014)
Draft Outline Zoning Plan/Development Permission Area Plan
► Draft San Tin Technopole Outline Zoning Plan (No. S/SST/1)
► Draft Sha Lo Wan and San Tau Outline Zoning Plan (No. S/I-SLW/1)
Representations (October 2021) | Comments on representations (December 2021) |
► Draft Pui O Au Outline Zoning Plan (No. S/I-POA/1)
Representations (October 2021) | Comments on representations (December 2021) |
► Draft Mui Wo North Outline Zoning Plan (No. S/I-MWN/1)
Representations (October 2021) | Comments on representations (December 2021) |
► Draft Sham Wat and San Shek Wan Outline Zoning Plan (No. S/I-SW/1)
Representations (October 2021) | Comments on representations (December 2021) |
► Draft Sha Lo Wan and San Tau Development Permission Area Plan (No. DPA/I-SLW/1)
► Draft Pui O Au Development Permission Area Plan (No. DPA/I-POA/1)
► Draft Mui Wo North Development Permission Area Plan (No. DPA/I-MWN/1)
► Draft Sham Wat and San Shek Wan Development Permission Area Plan (No. DPA/I-SW/1)
► Draft Hoi Ha Outline Zoning Plan (No. S/NE-HH/3)
Representations (June 2020) | Comments on representations (July 2020) |
► Draft So Lo Pun Outline Zoning Plan (No. S/NE-SLP/3)
Representations (June 2020) | Comments on representations (July 2020) |
► Draft Pak Lap Outline Zoning Plan (No. S/SK-PL/3)
Representations (June 2020) | Comments on representations (July 2020) |
► Draft Lok Ma Chau Loop Outline Zoning Plan (No. S/LMCL/1)
► Draft Po Toi Islands Outline Zoning Plan (No. S/I-PTI/1)
► Draft Yi O Outline Zoning Plan (No. S/I-YO/1)
► Draft Pak Sha O Draft Outline Zoning Plan (No. S/NE-PSO/1)
Amendments to the Approved Outline Zoning Plan
► Draft Mai Po and Fairview Garden Outline Zoning Plan (No. S/YL-MP/7)
► Approved South Lantau Coast Outline Zoning Plan (No. S/SLC/21)
Representation (November 2023) |
► Approved Kwai Chung Outline Zoning Plan (No. S/KC/31)
Representation (January 2023) | Comments on representations (March 2023) |
► Approved Fanling/Sheung Shui Extension Area Outline Zoning Plan (No. S/FSSE/1)
Representation (August 2022) | Comments on representations (October 2022) |
► Approved Tseng Lan Shue Outline Zoning Plan (No. S/SK-TLS/9)
► Approved Tai Po Outline Zoning Plan (No. S/TP/29)
► Approved Lam Tei and Yick Yuen Outline Zoning Plan (No. S/TM-LTYY/11)
► Approved Tsing Yi Outline Zoning Plan (No. S/TY/31)
Representations (September 2021) | Comments on representations (December 2021) |
► Approved Tsuen Wan Outline Zoning Plan (No. S/TW/34)
Representations (April 2021) | Comments on representations (June 2021) |
► Approved Ma On Shan Outline Zoning Plan (No. S/MOS/23)
Representations (December 2020) | Comments on representations (February 2021) |
► Approved Tong Yan San Tsuen Outline Zoning Plan (No. S/YL-TYST/10)
► Approved Tseung Kwan O Outline Zoning Plan (No. S/TKO/24)
Application for Amendment of Plan
► Pat Heung, Kam Tin - To rezone the application site from "Agriculture" to "Residential (Group A) 1" (No. Y/YL-KTS/8)
► Mai Po & Fairview Park - To rezone the application site from "Recreation" to "Residential (Group C) 1" and amend the Notes of the zone applicable to the site (No. Y/YL-MP/8)
June 2022 | 1 September 2022 | 23 September 2022 | November 2022 |
► Mai Po & Fairview Park - To rezone the application site from "Recreation" and "Residential (Group C)" to "Residential (Group C) 1" and amend the Notes of the zone applicable to the site (No. Y/YL-MP/7)
June 2022 | September 2022 | November 2022 |
► Nam Sang Wai - To rezone the application site from “Industrial (Group D)”, “Open Storage” and area shown as ‘Road’ to “Residential (Group E)” (No. Y/YL-NSW/9)
May 2022 | October 2022 |
► Nam Sang Wai - To rezone the application site from “Other Specified Uses” annotated “Comprehensive Development to include Wetland Restoration Area” to “Other Specified Uses” annotated “Comprehensive Development to include Wetland Restoration Area 1” (No. Y/YL-NSW/8)
May 2022 | October 2022 |
► Mai Po & Fairview Park - To rezone the application site from "Residential (Group D)" to "Residential (Group C) 1" and amend the Notes of the zone applicable to the site (No. Y/YL-MP/6)
January 2022 | June 2022 | September 2022 |
► Lau Fau Shan & Tsim Bei Tsui - To rezone the application site from “Green Belt” to “Residential (Group B)” on the draft Lau Fau Shan and Tsim Bei Tsui Outline Zoning Plan (OZP) No. S/YL-LFS/10 and from “Open Space (1)” to “Residential (Group B) 3”on the draft Tin Shui Wai OZP No. S/TSW/15 and amend the Notes of the zone applicable to the site (No. Y/YL-LFS/13)
January 2022 | April 2022 | May 2022 | July 2022 | September 2022 | November 2022 |
► Lin Barn Tsuen, San Tin, Yuen Long - To rezone the application site from "Other Specified Uses" annotated "Comprehensive Development to include Wetland Restoration Area" to "Other Specified Uses" annotated "Comprehensive Development to include Wetland Restoration Area (1)" and amend the Notes of the zone applicable to the site (No. Y/YL-ST/1)
November 2021 | April 2022 | June 2022 | August 2022 | October 2022 | December 2022 |
► Wing Kei Tsuen, Nam Sang Wai, Yuen Long - To rezone the application site from "other Specified Uses annotated "Comprehensive Development to include Wetland Restoration Area" to Other Specified Uses annotated "Comprehensiave Development to include Wetland Restoration Area 1" (No. Y/YL-NSW/7)
November 2021 | April 2022 | June 2022 | August 2022 | October 2022 |
► Pokfulam, Hong Kong - To rezone the application site from "Green Belt" to "Government, Institute or Community" (No. Y/H10/13)
► Tai Lam, Yuen Long - To rezone the application site from "Agriculture" zone to "Other Specified Uses" annotated "Columbarium" zone (No. Y/YL-KTS/7)
August 2020 | February 2021 | June 2021 | September 2021 |
► Nam Sang Wai, Yuen Long - To rezone the application site from "Other Specified Uses" annotated "Comprehensive Development to include Wetland Restoration Area" to "Other Specified Uses" annotated "Comprehensive Development to include Wetland Restoration Area 1" (No. Y/YL-NSW/6)
March 2020 | September 2020 | February 2021 | April 2021 | July 2021 | November 2021 | May2022 | July 2022 | October 2022 |
► Tong To, Sha Tau Kok - To rezone the application site from "Agriculture" and "Green Belt" to "Other Specified Uses" annotated "Columbarium" (No. Y/NE-STK/1)
► Kam Sheung Road, Kam Tin South - To rezone the application site from "Agriculture", Village Type Development" to "Residential (Group C)" (No. Y/YL-KTS/5)
► Kwu Tung South Tsiu Keng - To rezone the application site from "Agriculture" to "Residential (Group C)6" (No. Y/NE-KTS/7)
March 2015 | August 2015 | October 2017 |
► Clear Water Bay, Sai Kung - To rezone the application site from "Green Belt" to "Residential (Group C)4" (No. Y/SK-CWBN/8)
► Ha Wo Hang - To rezone the application site from "Agriculture" and "Recreation" to "Comprehensive Development Area" (No. Y/NE-LK/1)
July 2017 | November 2017 |
► South of and Wing Kei Tsuen, Nam Sang Wai, Yuen Long - To rezone the application site from "Open Storage" to "Commercial" (No. Y/YL-NSW/3)
Application for Permission
► Ting Kok, Tai Po - Proposed Temporary Place of Recreation, Sports or Culture, Eating Place, Barbecue Site and Holiday Camp with Ancillary Facilities for a Period of 3 Years and Associated Filling of Land (No. A/NE-TK/779)
► Lau Fau Shan & Tsim Bei Tsui - Proposed Filling of Pond for Permitted Agricultural Use (No. A/YL-LFS/447)
November 2022 |
► Kam Tin North - Proposed Temporary Holiday Camp with Ancillary Facilities for a Period of 3 Years and Filling of Land (No. A/NE-KTN/864)
► Kam Tin North - Proposed Temporary Place of Recreation, Sports or Culture (Hobby Farm) for a Period of 5 Years and Filling of Land (No. A/NE-KTN/863)
► Lung Yeuk Tau - Proposed Temporary Public Vehicle Park (Private Car Only) for a Period of 3 Years (No. A/NE-LYT/774)
► Ting Kok, Tai Po - Proposed Temporary Holiday Camp and Barbecue Site with Ancillary Facilities for a Period of 3 Years and Filling of Land (No. A/NE-TK/762)
► Kam Tin North, Temporary Holiday Camp and Barbecue Site with Ancillary Eating Place and Facilities for a Period of 3 Years and Filling of Land (No. A/YL-KTN/859)
► Tai Po Kau - Proposed Field Study/Education/Visitor Centre (No. A/TP/684)
► Ting Kok, Tai Po - Proposed Temporary Barbecue Site and Caravan Holiday Camp with Ancillary Facilities for a Period of 3 Years and Filling of Land (No. A/NE-TK/752)
► Po Kak Tsai Road, Kwan Tei South - Proposed Temporary Public Vehicle Park (Private Car Only) for a Period of 3 Years (No. A/NE-LYT/774)
► Kam Tin North - Proposed Temporary Place of Recreation, Sports or Culture (Hobby Farm) for a Period of 3 Years (No. A/YL-KTN/857)
► Kam Tin North - Proposed Temporary Place of Recreation, Sports or Culture (Hobby Farm) for a Period of 5 Years and Filling of Land (No. A/YL-KTN/853)
► Nga Yiu Ha, Ta Kwu Ling - Proposed Temporary Place of Recreation, Sports or Culture (Hobby Farm) with Ancillary Facilities for a Period of 5 Years and Filling of Land (No. A/NE-WKS/18)
► Lok Ma Chau - Proposed Temporary Field Education Centre with Ancillary Shop and Services for a Period of 3 Years (No. A/YL-ST/626)
► Ma Tso Lung, Hoo Hok Wai - Proposed Temporary Holiday Camp, Pets Park and Ancillary Facilities for a Period of 3 Years with Filling of Pond and Land (No. A/NE-MTL/8)
► Ting Kok, Tai Po - Proposed Temporary Barbecue Site and Caravan Holiday Camp with Ancillary Facilities for a Period of 3 Years and Filling of Land (No. A/NE-TK/752)
► Kam Tin South - Proposed Temporary Holiday Camp with Ancillary Facilities for a Period of 3 Years and Filling of Land (No. A/YL-KTS/930)
► Kam Tin North - Proposed Temporary Holiday Camp with Ancillary Facilities for a Period of 3 Years and Filling of Land (No. A/YL-KTN/833)
► Ha Tsuen Fringe - Proposed Temporary Open Storage of New Vehicles (Private Cars), Construction Materials, Machineries, Equipment and Storage of Tools and Parts with Ancillary Site Office for a Period of Three Years and Filling of Land and Ponds (No. A/YL-HTF/1133)
► Ma Tso Lung, Hoo Hok Wai - Proposed Temporary Eating Place for a Period of 3 Years (No. A/NE-MTL/7)